The Story is currently flowing well and the gameplay is extremely fluid. Watch Dogs 2 is an absolutely incredible Sequel, so far I'm probably only a couple hours into the Story but I've spent countless hours messing around in the Sandbox in Solo and in Coop, it's so much fun.
And the gameplay is just amazing its so much fun especially the drones one being this little roller car the other a mini copter once you upgrade you can even drop down explosives with it there is allot of variety to thw hacking in this game very fun addition is hacking any vehicle and making it steer in different directions great stealth also in matter of fact allot of the game does play like a stealth game in terms of level design which is great san Francisco looks amazing also the graphics are so good so much attention to detail there are real life locations like Alcatraz prison the world feels more alive and active you can pet dogs in the streets and people just do more things this is a solid game however i did hate the idea of fast travel being available to anywhere from the beginning and not gained but still a great game. And the gameplay is just amazing its so much fun especially i was very impressed by this game its a massive improvement over the girsy game Marcus is a cool character his personality is fun way better than aiden i found the story interesting about a group of hackers who want to expose CTOS and that blume is corrupt but the hackers are painted to be extreme activists criminals good story. I was very impressed by this game its a massive improvement over the girsy game Marcus is a cool character his personality is fun way better than aiden i found the story interesting about a group of hackers who want to expose CTOS and that blume is corrupt but the hackers are painted to be extreme activists criminals good story. And though the main characters are mostly sympathetic in their approach to bettering the world on a technological plane, it's hard not to use the word "sanctimonious" to describe them, especially in light of all the lawbreaking, thieving, and massacring that can occur alongside DedSec's main exploits. The story, while timely and engaging for most of the game, never truly reaches the gravity and severity that the previous entry attained. And though the main characters are mostly sympathetic in their approach to bettering "Watch Dogs 2" may certainly improve upon the visual and mechanical shortcomings of its 2014 predecessor, but what it gains in these aspects, it loses in narrative ones.

"Watch Dogs 2" may certainly improve upon the visual and mechanical shortcomings of its 2014 predecessor, but what it gains in these aspects, it loses in narrative ones.